Advantages of goat’s milk compared to cow’s milk

  1. Higher Protein and Nutrition
  2. Easier to Digest
  3. Higher Calcium
  4. Higher in calories



Why Etawa Labn Goat Milk?

  1. Using 100% Etawa goat liquid milk as raw material.
  2. Using real palm sugar and red ginger as complementary properties.
  3. The raw materials for liquid goat milk, palm sugar and red ginger are from our own production, so the quality is guaranteed.
  4. Stable temperature processing so it doesn’t change the taste and content.
  5. Halal & registered with BPOM RI.
  6. Doesn’t smell fishy.


Ingredients in LABN Goat Milk Benefits of The Combination of Goat’s Milk & Palm Sugar
  1. Proteins
  2. Carbohydrate
  3. Calcium
  4. Phosphor
  5. Sadium
  6. Vitamin A
  7. Vitamin B2
  8. Vitamin B3
  9. Lactoferrin
  10. Benefits of Palm Sugar
  11. Benefits of Red Ginger
  1. Control Blood Pressure
  2. Facilitates the Digestive System
  3. Maintain & Regenerate the Digestive System
  4. Healthy Skin
  5. Maintain Bone Health
  6. Increases Body Endurance & Stamina
  7. Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels
  8. Respiratory Healing Therapy
  9. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
  10. Stabilizes Cholesterol in the Body



Serving size 25 g
Total energy 110 kkal
  % AKG
Total fat 2.5 g  
Proteins 2 g 8%
Carbohydrate 19 g 4%
Sugar 17 g  
Sodium 20 mg 1%
Vitamin A 4 2%
Vitamin B1 mg/100 g 10%
Vitamin B12 mcg/100 g 2%
Vitamin E 12 13%
Potassium   4%
Calcium   30%
Phosphor   10%
E.P.A   6.3%
DHA   11.7%
*Percent AKG based on energy requirements of 2150 kcal. Your energy needs may be higher or lower.


Our main product, goat’s milk plus palm sugar. One box contains 10 sachets, and 25g/sachet








One cardboard packaging contains 50 boxes, total weights 18 kg

US$ 195 / cardboard   (minimum order=50 cardboard)

(For the best price, please contact us !)

Payment of terms : TT / LC
( FOB, from Tanjung Perak Port – Surabaya City )


Apart from palm sugar goat’s milk, vanilla and red ginger flavors are also available


Goat Milk Packaging Process for our Products